
Foreverest® Flavors & Fragrances Material Series were specialty used in fine aromatics. The flavors and functional fragrance formulation were widely used for savoury, beverages, household cleaners, personal care and all creatives consumer products industries.

190 products are found on results.


4-Methyl Guaiacol

CAS: 93-51-6
SPECS: 98%

4-Methyl guaiacol, also called as VALSPICE, Creosol, is colorless to pale yellow liquid with condimental odor and distinctive soy scent. It is extracted from natural wood oil.4-Methyl guaiacol is main…


4-Vinyl Guaiacol

CAS: 7786-61-0
SPECS: 99%

4-Vinyl Guaiacol natural extracted in the corn ethanol fermentation volatiles, is a colorless or pale yellow oily liquid, has fermented aroma with slightly sweet.  It is the major flavor component to …


Acetyl Cedrene

CAS: 32388-55-9
SPECS: 80%

Acetyl Cedrene is also called Methyl Cedryl Ketone. It is a colorless liquid with a strong woody odor. Acetyl Cedrene is prepared by the ethyl esterification of alpha-cedrene. It is widely used in fra…


Aleuritic Acid

CAS: 533-87-9
SPECS: 98%

Aleuritic Acid is the straight-chain fatty acid part of lac resin. It can be used to synthesize dihydroxyacetone and glucose laurate monoester. And it has good bonding ability to plastics.


alpha Cedrene

CAS: 469-61-4
SPECS: 90%

Alpha Cedrene, Beta Cedrene and Thujopsene are naturally found in cedarwood oil. It appears yellow liquid with woody odor.Alpha Cedrene industrial grade can be obtained by separating the cedar oil and…


alpha Ionone

CAS: 127-41-3
SPECS: 70%

The Ionones are a series of closely related chemical substances. They are part of rose ketones, which also include damascones and damascenones. Ionones are aroma compounds naturally found in essential…


alpha Longipinene

CAS: 5989-08-2
SPECS: 95%

alpha-Longipinene from gum turpentine oil. Used as a solvent, intermediate to dyestuff, perfume, medicine production.


Alpha Pinene Oxide

CAS: 74525-43-2
SPECS: 95%

alpha-Pinene-Oxide is a monoterpene. It is the epoxide of alpha-pinene that appears colorless liquid with fresh odor. alpha-Pinene-Oxide is widely used in fragrance formulation.