
Foreverest® Flavors & Fragrances Material Series were specialty used in fine aromatics. The flavors and functional fragrance formulation were widely used for savoury, beverages, household cleaners, personal care and all creatives consumer products industries.

190 products are found on results.


beta Caryophyllenol

CAS: 472-97-7
SPECS: 92%

β-caryophylenol is an important tricyclic sesquiterpenoid alcohol, which can be widely used in fragrance and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. At present, β-caryophylene is prepared from β-cary…


Beta Phellandrene

CAS: 555-10-2
SPECS: 80%

α-Phellandrene and β-phellandrene are cyclic monoterpenes and are double-bond isomers. In α-phellandrene, both double bonds are endocyclic and in β-phellandrene, one of them is exocyclic. Both are ins…


Beta Pinene

CAS: 127-91-3
SPECS: 98%

Beta-Pinene and alpha-Pinene are found naturally in the Turpentine oil of pine trees. According to the different species of pinus, there is a difference in the contents of beta-Pinene. beta-Pinene app…


Beta Pinene Oxide

CAS: 6931-54-0
SPECS: 85%

β-Pinene oxide is prepared by oxidation of β-pinene in methylene chloride in the presence of sodium carbonate using peracetic acid as an oxidant at 0 °C.BETA Pinene Oxide is widely used in fragrance f…



CAS: 14901-07-6
SPECS: 95%

β-Ionone is a clear slightly yellow to yellow liquid with a characteristic violet-like odor, more fruity and woody than α-ionone. It’s soluble in ethanol, diethyl ester and dichloromethane, slightly s…



CAS: 507-70-0
SPECS: 55%

Borneol synthetic is produced from alpha pinene.It is a mixture mainly composed of borneol and isoborneol.Synthetic Borneol is very cost effective comparing to natural one.


Cajeput Oil

CAS: 8008-98-8
SPECS: 65%

Cajeput oil is produced by steam distillation of fresh leaves and twigs of the cajeput tree (Melaleuca leucadendra). Cajeput oil contains higher concentrations of 1,8 cineole(Eucalyptol), limonene and…



CAS: 79-92-5
SPECS: 97%, 96%

Camphene, colorless and crystalline solid, is found in minute quantities in Turpentine. The odor similar as Camphor, nearly insoluble in water, but well soluble in common organic solvents. It is a min…