Chemicals A-Z
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Lac Series
Lac (shellac) is a natural resin secreted by the lac bug (Laccifer lacca), an insect native to Southeast Asia and parts of India. The female lac bug produces a resinous secretion on tree branches, which is harvested and processed to obtain shellac.
Lac series are primarily used as a natural glazing agent for candies or fruits, providing a preservative effect. They are also applied in medicine as a coating for pills or tablets.

Aleuritic Acid
CAS: 533-87-9
SPECS: 95%
Aleuritic Acid is the straight-chain fatty acid part of lac resin. It can be used to synthesize dihydroxyacetone and glucose laurate monoester. And it has good bonding ability to plastics.

Dewaxed Bleached Shellac
CAS: 9000-59-3
Dewaxed bleached shellac is refined from natural shellac. It has high purity and is mainly used in fruit preservatives and medicine sugar coating and other fields.

Lac Dye
CAS: 60687-93-6
Lac Dye, also known as Alta, it is mainly applied by dying of textiles, such as dyeing wool and silk fabric, silk, cotton, wool.

CAS: 9000-59-3
The seedlac was crushed and washed frequently to remove the bug bodies and a portion of the coloring matter. After drying the washed sticklac, we get the commercial variety of seedlac.

Shellac Flakes
CAS: 9000-59-3
SPECS: Machine made
The shellac flake is a natural mixture composed of hydroxycarboxylic acid, sesquiterpene acid and low molecular fatty acid. It is prepared from natural shellac or seedlac by hot melting or dissolving impurities in solvents. Shellac flake contains shellac resin, shellac pigment, shellac wax, sugar and protein.