
Foreverest® Flavors & Fragrances Material Series were specialty used in fine aromatics. The flavors and functional fragrance formulation were widely used for savoury, beverages, household cleaners, personal care and all creatives consumer products industries.

190 products are found on results.


alpha Thujene

CAS: 2867-05-2
SPECS: 2867-05-2-80, 2867-05-2-90

Thujene also called as 3-Thujene, is a natural flavoring obtained from Eucalyptus.The thujene usually refers to α-thujene. A less common chemically related double-bond isomer is known as β-thujene (or…



CAS: 79-69-6
SPECS: 98%

alpha-Irone has a rich, floral and natural character and constitutes an important element in orris and violet compositions as well as being useful when an exotic nuance is required.alpha-Irone is extr…



CAS: 101-39-3
SPECS: 95%

alpha-Methylcinnamaldehyde (Methyl Cinnamic Aldehyde Alpha) is a yellow liquid with a spicy, cinnamon odor.alpha-Methylcinnamaldehyde is used in many industries such as Flavor & Fragrance, Aromati…



CAS: 99-83-2
SPECS: 99-83-2-98, 99-83-2-85

alpha-Phellandrene is an oily liquid with colorless to light yellow colors. Has black pepper odor character. Flash point is 49°C. The boiling point (by 2133 pa.) of right-handed body at 66~88°C, and t…



CAS: 80-56-8
SPECS: 95%

alpha-Pinene has pines odor, is the main constituent of Turpentine, which found naturally in above 400 kinds of essential oils. Extracted on fractionation from Turpentine. In flavor industry, alpha-Pi…



CAS: 99-86-5
SPECS: 95%

Alpha Terpinene is isolated from cardamom and marjoram oils, one of the group in isomeric hydrocarbons. Which is a flavoring and fragrance chemical used in the personal care and cosmetic and food indu…



CAS: 98-55-5
SPECS: 95%

There are two sources, one is natural distilled from tree extract, another kinds of Alpha terpineol is isolated from essential oil. Alpha terpineol is widely used as a basic component in lilac, lime a…


Amyl Salicylate

CAS: 2050-08-0
SPECS: 99%

Amyl salicylate is a benzoate ester.It is refined by esterification of salicylic acid and pentanol catalyzed by sulfuric acid.Amyl salicylate is mainly used in fragrance.