by Technologies

We have reorganized the original product category based on market segmentation and technical routes. You can visit the original category here. A new resin group "Hydrogenated Resins Scheme" separated from hydrogenation scheme in Rosin Derivatives and Polyterpene Resins. The plant monomers line is subdivided into two major categories: Plant Extracts & Natural Identical and Synthetic, which are integrated under the Aroma Chemicals category.

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330 products are found on results.

Dehydroabietylamine (Leelamine)

CAS: 1446-61-3

Dehydroabietylamine (Leelamine) is a diterpene compound, derivatives from gum rosin. After a series of distillation process, the residual liquid of turpentine oil is steamed out. Then filter the resid…

Wood Tar Oil

CAS: 8011-48-1
SPECS: 300

Pine tar, also call as wood tar or wood tar oil, is a brownish to dark brown viscous liquid.Foreverest supply wood tar oil (pine tar) for over 20years, the tar oil is prepared by the high temperature …


CAS: 89-83-8
SPECS: 99%

Thymol is a natural monoterpenoid phenol derivative of cymene, C10H14O, isomeric with Carvacrol, found in oil of thyme, and extracted from Thymus vulgaris (common thyme) and various other kinds of pla…

Cinnamyl Alcohol

CAS: 104-54-1
SPECS: 99%

Cinnamyl Alcohol is an organic compound that is found in esterified form in storax, or cinnamon leaves. It forms a white crystalline solid when pure, or a yellow oil when even slightly impure.It can b…

Cinnamyl Acetate

CAS: 103-54-8
SPECS: 99%

Cinnamyl acetate is an acetate ester resulting from the formal condensation of cinnamyl alcohol with acetic acid. Found in cinnamon leaf oil. It has a role as a fragrance, a metabolite and an insectic…

Methyl Cedryl Ketone

CAS: 32388-55-9
SPECS: 80%

Acetyl Cedrene is also called Methyl Cedryl Ketone. It is a colorless liquid with strong woody odor.Foreverest® Methyl Cedryl Ketone (Acetyl Cedrene) is prepared by the ethyl esterification of alpha-c…


CAS: 470-67-7
SPECS: 95%

1,4-Cineole is a monoterpene, has camphor odor, natural exists in cubeb, chamomile, boldea fragrans juss, ormenix multicaulis and etc.FOREVEREST™ 1,4-Cineole is produced in dehydration process from al…

Terpineol Natural

CAS: 98-55-5
SPECS: 98-55-5N

Terpineol is naturally found in pine oil, lavender oil, orange leaf oil, neroli oil and other plant oils.α-Terpineol, β-Terpineol, γ-Terpineol, and terpinen-4-ol are four isomers of terpineol. α-terpi…


CAS: 138-86-3
SPECS: 138-86-3CP40

Foreverest™ DIPENTENE ex CP is a by product of Gum Turpentine, it is a pale yellow liquid with lemon character.Dipentene is mainly composed of terpene hydrocarbons, main composition is alpha Terpinene…