by Technologies

We have reorganized the original product category based on market segmentation and technical routes. You can visit the original category here. A new resin group "Hydrogenated Resins Scheme" separated from hydrogenation scheme in Rosin Derivatives and Polyterpene Resins. The plant monomers line is subdivided into two major categories: Plant Extracts & Natural Identical and Synthetic, which are integrated under the Aroma Chemicals category.

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330 products are found on results.


CAS: 90-05-1
SPECS: 99.5%

Guaiacol is an oily yellow liquid with a penetrating odor, obtained by distilling wood tar or wood creosote.Guaiacol is present in wood smoke, resulting from the pyrolysis of lignin. The compound cont…

alpha Longipinene

CAS: 5989-08-2
SPECS: 95%

alpha-Longipinene from gum turpentine oil. Used as a solvent, intermediate to dyestuff, perfume, medicine production.


CAS: 93-51-6
SPECS: 98%

Creosol, also called Valspice, 4-methyl guaiacol, molecular formula C8H10O2, is colorless to pale yellow liquid with spice, woody, and sweet vanilla nuances, a smoky campfire-like character.It is extr…

4-Methyl Guaiacol

CAS: 93-51-6
SPECS: 98%

4-Methyl guaiacol, also called as VALSPICE, Creosol, is colorless to pale yellow liquid with condimental odor and distinctive soy scent. It is extracted from natural wood oil.4-Methyl guaiacol is main…

Terpene Phenolic Resin

CAS: 25359-84-6

Terpene Phenolic Resin (TPR) is obtained by copolymerization of terpene monomer and phenol.with excellent compatibility, dissolve in all kinds of polar solvent and nonpolar solvent, exhibits excellent…

Watermelone Ketone

CAS: 28940-11-6
SPECS: 99%

Watermelon Ketone, also known as calone or methylbenodioxepinone is a hydrocarbon compound with similar structure of certain alicyclic C11-hydrocarbons such as ectocarpene. It is a flavor and fragranc…

Modified Rosin Resin

SPECS: PE17020

Modified Rosin Resin is designed for vacuum plating industry with high softening point and high hardness, high gloss.Good compatibility with TD1 modified alkyd resin. Good solubility in 120# solvent. …

Modified Rosin


Modified rosin is colorless hydrogenated rosin derivative. Used as a tackifier in high-grade hot-melt and acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives.It offers compatibility with many kinds of polymers, supe…


CAS: 121-32-4
SPECS: 99%

Ethyl vanillin, also called as Ethylvanillin, appears white to off-white fine crystalline powder. It has similar but stronger scent than vanillin. It is prepared from catechol, beginning with ethylati…