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We have reorganized the original product category based on market segmentation and technical routes. You can visit the original category here. A new resin group "Hydrogenated Resins Scheme" separated from hydrogenation scheme in Rosin Derivatives and Polyterpene Resins. The plant monomers line is subdivided into two major categories: Plant Extracts & Natural Identical and Synthetic, which are integrated under the Aroma Chemicals category.

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330 products are found on results.


CAS: 7299-42-5
SPECS: 99%

Delta Terpineol is sourced from the plant. It appears crystal powder.Delta Terpineol is isolated from carrot oils, from the cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) and Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris).It …

Dewaxed Bleached Shellac

CAS: 9000-59-3

Dewaxed bleached shellac is refined from natural shellac. It has high purity and is mainly used in fruit preservatives and medicine sugar coating and other fields.


CAS: 619-01-2
SPECS: 98%

Dihydrocarveol is naturally found in caraway oil and mint oil. It is monoterpenoid compound that appears colorless liquid with anise and green odor.Dihydrocarveol is prepared by the selective catalyti…


CAS: 5524-05-0
SPECS: 97%

(+)-Dihydrocarvone, a monoterpenoid compound found in caraway oil, is a key building block to synthesize sesquiterpenes. It is colorless liquid generally produced either by the hydrogenation of carvon…


CAS: 2436-90-0
SPECS: 88%

Dihydromyrcene is a colorless, transparent liquid with a jasmine odor.Dihydromyrcene is prepared by the pyrolysis of pinane after the hydrotreating of alpha-Pinene and beta-Pinene. In addition, anothe…


CAS: 18479-58-8
SPECS: 99%

Dihydromyrcenol appears colorless liquid with a lavender odor, and it smells similar to lemon. There are two preparation methods. One is to chlorinate Dihydromyrcene and then be hydrolyzed in alkaline…


CAS: 498-81-7
SPECS: 95%

Dihydroterpineol appears coloeless sticky oily transparent liquid with pine oily floral.It is obtained by hydrogenation of Terpineol.Dihydroterpineol is mainly used in the preparation of fragrances.

Dihydroterpinyl Acetate

CAS: 58985-18-5
SPECS: 97%

Dihydroterpinyl acetate appears colorless to yellowish liquid. It is synthesized with Acetic anhydride and Dihydroterpinol.Dihydroterpinyl acetate is mainly used in the preparation of fragrance.


CAS: 138-86-3
SPECS: 138-86-3CP40

Foreverest™ DIPENTENE ex CP is a by product of Gum Turpentine, it is a pale yellow liquid with lemon character.Dipentene is mainly composed of terpene hydrocarbons, main composition is alpha Terpinene…