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We have reorganized the original product category based on market segmentation and technical routes. You can visit the original category here. A new resin group "Hydrogenated Resins Scheme" separated from hydrogenation scheme in Rosin Derivatives and Polyterpene Resins. The plant monomers line is subdivided into two major categories: Plant Extracts & Natural Identical and Synthetic, which are integrated under the Aroma Chemicals category.

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330 products are found on results.

Eucalyptus Terpenes

CAS: 68917-30-6
SPECS: 95%

Eucalyptus Terpenes is extracted from eucalyptus oil. It is a colorless liquid that is mainly composed of terpene and cymene. Eucalyptus Terpenes is widely used in the aromatic and pharmaceutical indu…


CAS: 97-53-0
SPECS: 98%

Eugenol is a phenylpropene, an allyl chain-substituted guaiacol.Eugenol is naturally found in clove oil, clove basil oil and cinnamon oil. It appears colorless to pale yellow liquid with dry sweety an…

Eugenol Acetate

CAS: 93-28-7
SPECS: 98%

Eugenol Acetate occurs in clove oil, together with eugenol. It can be made by acetylation of eugenol with acetic anhydride.


CAS: 1632-73-1
SPECS: 1632-73-1-95, 1632-73-1-96, 1632-73-1-97, 1632-73-1-98

Fenchol is a momoterpenoid and the isomer of borneol. It appears colorless or white liquid with camphor and borneol odor. Fenchol is produced from fenchone by catalytic hydrogenation. It is widely use…


CAS: 1195-79-5
SPECS: 99%

Fenchone is a ketone monoterpenoid. d-Fenchone has been found in fennel oil and in the oil of lavandula stoechas, whereas fenchone has been found in the oil of Arbor vitas. Foreverest Fenchone is synt…

Fenchyl Acetate

CAS: 13851-11-1
SPECS: 90%

Fenchyl Acetate is reported to be found in the oil from the leaves and terminal branches of Juniperus rigidu, in Seseli sibiricum, in rosemary and fennel oils and in the oil of hinoki leaves. It is pr…