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We have reorganized the original product category based on market segmentation and technical routes. You can visit the original category here. A new resin group "Hydrogenated Resins Scheme" separated from hydrogenation scheme in Rosin Derivatives and Polyterpene Resins. The plant monomers line is subdivided into two major categories: Plant Extracts & Natural Identical and Synthetic, which are integrated under the Aroma Chemicals category.

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330 products are found on results.

Dipentene (Natural)

CAS: 138-86-3
SPECS: 138-86-3N

Dipentene (also called D-Limonene), is a terpene liquid found in various volatile oils such as cardamon, mace, nutmeg , turpentine oil. Dipentene is mainly composed of Limonene, beta-Phellandrene, Myr…

Dipentene (Synthetic)

CAS: 138-86-3
SPECS: 138-86-3S-TP96, 138-86-3S

Dipentene synthetic is a by-product in the production of Terpineol or Champhene. Dipentene is mainly composed of terpene hydrocarbons. because of its refreshing pine, lime aroma and low cost, dipenten…

Dipentene DHM

CAS: 138-86-3
SPECS: 138-86-3DHM

Dipentene DHM is the by-product of the production of gum turpentine derivatives.Synthetic dipentene is the by-product of the production of dihydromyrcene. It appears colorless liquid with lemon odor. …

Disproportionated Rosin

CAS: 8050-09-7

Disproportionated rosin (DPR) is compound of dehydroabie acid and dihydroabtice acid, the DPR is processed through catalytic reaction of gum rosin on proper temperature. In the synthetic rubber indust…


CAS: 639-99-6
SPECS: 45%

Elemol, Alpha Elemol and Beta Elemol, is a kind yellow to brown yellow viscous liquid or crystal extracted from olive oil and citronella oil.


CAS: 140-67-0
SPECS: 99%

Estragole is naturally found in turpentine, basil and tarragon oil. It appears colorless to pale yellow clear liquid with licorice and phenolic odor.Estragole is used in the preparation of fragrance.


CAS: 121-32-4
SPECS: 99%

Ethyl vanillin, also called as Ethylvanillin, appears white to off-white fine crystalline powder. It has similar but stronger scent than vanillin. It is prepared from catechol, beginning with ethylati…

Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil

CAS: 85203-56-1

Eucalyptus Citriodora oil is colorless, light yellow or greenish-yellow liquid with a grass aroma like citronella aldehyde, mainly composed of citronella aldehyde (up to 65-95%), citronella alcohol, g…