Pharm Intermediate

In pine-based chemicals, gum turpentine is a plant volatile oil substance with various natural monomers as its main components. Through the process of distillation separation, compounds like alphe-pinene, camphor, and sabinene can be used as starting materials for pharmaceutical synthesis. Their by-products, such as fenchyl acetate, δ-terpineol, and thujopsene, are often essential precursor substances for APIs.

164 products are found on results.


CAS: 90-05-1
SPECS: 99.5%

Guaiacol is an oily yellow liquid with a penetrating odor, obtained by distilling wood tar or wood creosote.Guaiacol is present in wood smoke, resulting from the pyrolysis of lignin. The compound cont…


CAS: 489-84-9
SPECS: 99.5%

Guaiazulene, also azulon or 1,4-dimethyl-7-isopropylazulene, is a dark blue crystalline hydrocarbon.

Gum Turpentine

CAS: 8006-64-2

Turpentine can be divided into gum turpentine, wood turpentine and sulphate turpentine in the light of sources of raw materials. Gum turpentine is extracted from pine resin by distillation.Turpentine …


CAS: 1205-17-0
SPECS: 98%

Helional is derivative of heliotropin. It appears yellow liquid.It is prepared by crossed-aldol condensation between heliotropinand propanal followed by selective hydrogenation of the intermediate alk…


CAS: 120-57-0
SPECS: 99%

Heliotropin is also known as piperonal. It is naturally found in various plants,including dill, vanilla, violet flowers, and black pepper,etc. It appears white crystalline powder with cherry-like odor…


CAS: 107-75-5
SPECS: 99%

Hydroxycitronellal has the smell of lilac, lily, and lily of the valley. It is a perfume ingredient with a medium-strength floral scent, reminiscent of lily and sweet tropical melon.Hydroxycitronellal…


CAS: 124-76-5
SPECS: 95%

Isoborneol is a terpene derivative. It is prepared by hydration and rearrangement of camphene/pinene.Isoborneol is commonly used as flavor and fragrance agents

Isobutyric Anhydride

CAS: 97-72-3
SPECS: 98%

Isobutryic anhydride is a colorless liquid with a pungent, acrid odor. It used as a raw material for esters such as sucrose acetate isobutyrate. It is used also as a raw material for dyes, agrochemicals and other chemicals.