by Technologies

We have reorganized the original product category based on market segmentation and technical routes. You can visit the original category here. A new resin group "Hydrogenated Resins Scheme" separated from hydrogenation scheme in Rosin Derivatives and Polyterpene Resins. The plant monomers line is subdivided into two major categories: Plant Extracts & Natural Identical and Synthetic, which are integrated under the Aroma Chemicals category.

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330 products are found on results.

Water-White Hydrogenated Rosin

CAS: 65997-06-0
SPECS: H301, H101

Water-White Hydrogenated Rosin is one of the dominant varieties of modified rosin with a light color, high oxidation resistance and high thermal stability.It is soluble in ketones, esters, hydrocarbon…

Watermelone Ketone

CAS: 28940-11-6
SPECS: 99%

Watermelon Ketone, also known as calone or methylbenodioxepinone is a hydrocarbon compound with similar structure of certain alicyclic C11-hydrocarbons such as ectocarpene. It is a flavor and fragranc…

Wood Based Activated Carbon (Amino Acid Uses)

CAS: 7440-44-0

WAA is a type of wood based activated carbon that produced by phosphoric acid activation process. It is specialty used for amino acid adsorption in water treatment, food industry and treatment process.

Wood Based Activated Carbon (Food Uses)

CAS: 7440-44-0

WWB is wood based activated carbon used for purification of process water in beverage industry.

Wood Based Activated Carbon (Medical Uses)

CAS: 7440-44-0

WIM is wood based activated carbon, used for injection, medical treatment and medical ingredients.

Wood Based Activated Carbon (Sugar Uses)

CAS: 7440-44-0

WFA is wood based activated carbon used for sugar decolorization process. It also can be used for refining process of saccharin, glucose, xylitol.

Wood Based Activated Carbon (Water Treatment Uses)

CAS: 7440-44-0

WWT is a form of wood based activated carbon used for water treatment. It is produced by chemical activation of sawdust using unique phosphoric process.

Wood Creosote Oil

CAS: 8021-39-4

Wood Creosote Oil, is pyrolysis from wood. Mainly components are Guaiacol, Crosol and other phenols. Which is a strong effective disinfection and preservative. Wood Creosote has pungent, penetrating o…