
206 products are found on results.

Cinnamic Aldehyde Natural

CAS: 104-55-2
SPECS: 99%

Cinnamic Aldehyde is naturally found in cinnamon oil, cassia oil, and patchouli oil. It appears pale yellow viscous liquid with cinnamon and a spicy odor. Cinnamic aldehyde has Cis-isomer and trans-is…

Cinnamyl Acetate

CAS: 103-54-8
SPECS: 99%

Cinnamyl acetate is an acetate ester resulting from the formal condensation of cinnamyl alcohol with acetic acid. Found in cinnamon leaf oil. It has a role as a fragrance, a metabolite and an insectic…

Cinnamyl Alcohol

CAS: 104-54-1
SPECS: 99%

Cinnamyl Alcohol is an organic compound that is found in esterified form in storax, or cinnamon leaves. It forms a white crystalline solid when pure, or a yellow oil when even slightly impure.It can b…


CAS: 928-96-1
SPECS: 98%

cis-3-Hexen-1-ol is also called (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and leaf alcohol. It is a colorless oily liquid with an intense grassy-green odor of freshly cut green grass and leaves. cis-3-Hexen-1-ol is produced i…


CAS: 5392-40-5
SPECS: 96%

Natural Citral is naturally found in lemon grass oil (70% to 80%) and litsea cubeba oil (about 70%). It appears liquid with strong lemon odor.The natural citral is obtained by the vacuum distillation …

Citronella Oil

CAS: 8000-29-1
SPECS: 85%

Citronella oil, member of a class of naturally occurring organic substances called terpenes, which is obtained from the leaves of the oil grasses Cymbopogon nardus and C.winterianus. As the wide range…

Citronella Terpene

CAS: 68916-56-3

Citronella Terpene is extracted from citronella oil. It appears colorless to pale yellow liquid with green odor. The content of alpha-pinene reaches 85-94%. It is widely used in household and industri…


CAS: 106-23-0
SPECS: 85%

Citronellal is a colorless to yellow liquid with aromas of lemon, citronella and rose. It has 3 kinds of optical rotators, D -, l-, and dl-. D-Citronella is abundant in essential oils and is the main …


CAS: 106-22-9
SPECS: 95%

Citronellol, or dihydrogeraniol, is a natural acyclic monoterpenoid. Both enantiomers occur in nature. It is found in citronella oils, including Cymbopogon nardus (50%), is the more common isomer. (−)…