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127 products are found on results.


Geraniol Synthetic

CAS: 106-24-1
SPECS: 97%

Geraniol is a commercially important terpene alcohol occurring in the essential oils of several aromatic plants, it can also be prepared by beta- Pinene through series of reactionsThe most important u…


Gum Turpentine

CAS: 8006-64-2

Turpentine can be divided into gum turpentine, wood turpentine and sulphate turpentine in the light of sources of raw materials. Gum turpentine is extracted from pine resin by distillation.Turpentine …


Hexyl cinnamic aldehyde

CAS: 101-86-0
SPECS: 97%

Hexyl cinnamaldehyde is found naturally in the essential oil of chamomile. It is a member of the class of cinnamaldehydes carrying a hexyl substituent.Hexyl cinnamaldehyde industrially produced via a …


Iso Cyclemone E

CAS: 54464-57-2
SPECS: 90%

Iso Cyclemone E (Isocyclemone E) is mixture of three isomers, which is a synthetic woody odorant. It is colorless to pale yellow liquid with woody odor.Iso Cyclemone E is prepared by the diene additio…



CAS: 124-76-5
SPECS: 95%

Isoborneol is a terpene derivative. It is prepared by hydration and rearrangement of camphene/pinene.Isoborneol is commonly used as flavor and fragrance agents


Isobornyl Acetate

CAS: 125-12-2
SPECS: 97%

Isobornyl acetate appears colorless liquid with woody odor. It is usually prepared by the esterification between Acetate and Camphene under the catalysis of Sulfuric acid. It can also be prepared by u…



CAS: 85006-04-8
SPECS: 85%

Isocitronellene is the by-product of Dihydromyrcenol in the reaction processing of isomerization.



CAS: 23787-90-8
SPECS: 80%

Isolongifolanone is a mixture of isomer liquid with persistent woody and earthy odors, and it smells like the odor of patchouli and rock orchid. There are two preparation methods. One is to isomerize …



CAS: 1135-66-6
SPECS: 85%

Isolongifolene has woody and amber incense odors, has been widely used as fragrances in cosmetics, perfumers, space sprays, detergents, deodorants, fabrics, fibers, and soap, tobacco, creams, paper pr…