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127 products are found on results.


Cinnamic Aldehyde Natural

CAS: 104-55-2
SPECS: 99%

Cinnamic Aldehyde is naturally found in cinnamon oil, cassia oil, and patchouli oil. It appears pale yellow viscous liquid with cinnamon and a spicy odor. Cinnamic aldehyde has Cis-isomer and trans-is…


Cinnamyl Acetate

CAS: 103-54-8
SPECS: 99%

Cinnamyl acetate is an acetate ester resulting from the formal condensation of cinnamyl alcohol with acetic acid. Found in cinnamon leaf oil. It has a role as a fragrance, a metabolite and an insectic…


Cinnamyl Alcohol

CAS: 104-54-1
SPECS: 99%

Cinnamyl Alcohol is an organic compound that is found in esterified form in storax, or cinnamon leaves. It forms a white crystalline solid when pure, or a yellow oil when even slightly impure.It can b…


Citronella Terpene

CAS: 68916-56-3

Citronella Terpene is extracted from citronella oil. It appears colorless to pale yellow liquid with green odor. The content of alpha-pinene reaches 85-94%. It is widely used in household and industri…



CAS: 7299-42-5
SPECS: 99%

Delta Terpineol is sourced from the plant. It appears crystal powder.Delta Terpineol is isolated from carrot oils, from the cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) and Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris).It …



CAS: 619-01-2
SPECS: 98%

Dihydrocarveol is naturally found in caraway oil and mint oil. It is monoterpenoid compound that appears colorless liquid with anise and green odor.Dihydrocarveol is prepared by the selective catalyti…



CAS: 5524-05-0
SPECS: 97%

(+)-Dihydrocarvone, a monoterpenoid compound found in caraway oil, is a key building block to synthesize sesquiterpenes. It is colorless liquid generally produced either by the hydrogenation of carvon…



CAS: 2436-90-0
SPECS: 88%

Dihydromyrcene is a colorless, transparent liquid with a jasmine odor.Dihydromyrcene is prepared by the pyrolysis of pinane after the hydrotreating of alpha-Pinene and beta-Pinene. In addition, anothe…



CAS: 18479-58-8
SPECS: 99%

Dihydromyrcenol appears colorless liquid with a lavender odor, and it smells similar to lemon. There are two preparation methods. One is to chlorinate Dihydromyrcene and then be hydrolyzed in alkaline…