Agriculture & Feed


In 2014, there are more than 430 registered biopesticide active ingredients and 1320 active product registrations by EPA. Monoterpene, a type of terpene, which is original extracted from pines and other plants. The volatiles can fumigate or interfere the behaviors of pests. And the advanced Resistance management defense pests resist pesticides.

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> Terpene based has a high content in plants, and monoterpene is easy extracting, that is benefit for cost control
> Turpentine based and plant extracts often have flowery and woody odor, which the products are easy accepting by human
> Terpene based has strong volatility that's more effective on pests

128 products are found on results.

beta Caryophyllenol

CAS: 472-97-7
SPECS: 92%

β-caryophylenol is an important tricyclic sesquiterpenoid alcohol, which can be widely used in fragrance and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. At present, β-caryophylene is prepared from β-cary…

Beta Phellandrene

CAS: 555-10-2
SPECS: 80%

α-Phellandrene and β-phellandrene are cyclic monoterpenes and are double-bond isomers. In α-phellandrene, both double bonds are endocyclic and in β-phellandrene, one of them is exocyclic. Both are ins…

Beta Pinene

CAS: 127-91-3
SPECS: 98%

Beta-Pinene and alpha-Pinene are found naturally in the Turpentine oil of pine trees. According to the different species of pinus, there is a difference in the contents of beta-Pinene. beta-Pinene app…

Beta Pinene Oxide

CAS: 6931-54-0
SPECS: 85%

β-Pinene oxide is prepared by oxidation of β-pinene in methylene chloride in the presence of sodium carbonate using peracetic acid as an oxidant at 0 °C.BETA Pinene Oxide is widely used in fragrance f…


CAS: 507-70-0
SPECS: 55%

Borneol synthetic is produced from alpha pinene.It is a mixture mainly composed of borneol and isoborneol.Synthetic Borneol is very cost effective comparing to natural one.


CAS: 79-92-5
SPECS: 97%, 96%

Camphene, colorless and crystalline solid, is found in minute quantities in Turpentine. The odor similar as Camphor, nearly insoluble in water, but well soluble in common organic solvents. It is a min…

Carnosic acid

CAS: 3650-09-7
SPECS: 10~90%

Carnosic acid is natural benzenediol abietane diterpene. It is extracted from rosemary and common sage. Carnosic acid appears dark brown-yellow to light white powder. It is widely used in the food, co…


CAS: 499-75-2
SPECS: 98, 99.5%

Carvacrol is also called isothymol, a natural monoterpene derivative of cymene. It is a colorless to pale yellow liquid with a spicy odor as Thymol. Carvacrol is naturally found in many essential oils…