by Technologies

We have reorganized the original product category based on market segmentation and technical routes. You can visit the original category here. A new resin group "Hydrogenated Resins Scheme" separated from hydrogenation scheme in Rosin Derivatives and Polyterpene Resins. The plant monomers line is subdivided into two major categories: Plant Extracts & Natural Identical and Synthetic, which are integrated under the Aroma Chemicals category.

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330 products are found on results.

Hydrogenated C5 Hydrocarbon Resin

CAS: 71700-94-2
SPECS: H51000, H51150

The is water white thermoplastic hydrocarbon resin obtained from polymerizing of C5 and Hydrogenation. The major usages are tackifier for hot melt adhesive(HMA), hot melt pressure senstitive adhesive (HMPSA) because of the good heat resistance and good compatibility with base polymers, such as EVA, SIS.

Hydrogenated Rosin

CAS: 65997-06-0
SPECS: H106, H108, HWG Grade

Hydrogenated Rosin is one of the dominant varieties of modified rosin with light color, high oxidation resistance and high thermal stability. Conjugated unsaturation of abietic resin acids can be remo…

Hydrogenated Terpene Phenolic Resin

CAS: 1254557-84-0

Foreverest Hydrogenated Terpene Phenolic Resin is a hydrogenated grade of terpene phenolic resin, it copolymerized by combining the renewable terpene resin and phenol with the enhanced properties of e…

Hydrogenated Terpene Polymer

CAS: 106168-39-2

Foreverest® HTR105 is a kind of colorless or water white resin that has thermal stability and weather resistance.It is a newly developed hydrogenated terpene resin. Hydrogenated Terpene Polymer is an …


CAS: 107-75-5
SPECS: 99%

Hydroxycitronellal has the smell of lilac, lily, and lily of the valley. It is a perfume ingredient with a medium-strength floral scent, reminiscent of lily and sweet tropical melon.Hydroxycitronellal…

Iso Cyclemone E

CAS: 54464-57-2
SPECS: 90%

Iso Cyclemone E (Isocyclemone E) is mixture of three isomers, which is a synthetic woody odorant. It is colorless to pale yellow liquid with woody odor.Iso Cyclemone E is prepared by the diene additio…