by Technologies

We have reorganized the original product category based on market segmentation and technical routes. You can visit the original category here. A new resin group "Hydrogenated Resins Scheme" separated from hydrogenation scheme in Rosin Derivatives and Polyterpene Resins. The plant monomers line is subdivided into two major categories: Plant Extracts & Natural Identical and Synthetic, which are integrated under the Aroma Chemicals category.

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330 products are found on results.

Gum Rosin

CAS: 8050-09-7

Rosin, also called colophony or Greek pitch, is a solid form of resin obtained from pines and some other plants, mostly from conifers. It is produced by heating fresh liquid resin to vaporize the vola…

Gum Turpentine

CAS: 8006-64-2

Turpentine can be divided into gum turpentine, wood turpentine and sulphate turpentine in the light of sources of raw materials. Gum turpentine is extracted from pine resin by distillation.Turpentine …

Heat Transfer Fluids

CAS: 26898-17-9

Dibenzyltoluene (Heat Transfer Fluids) SRS602 is a good substitute for DBT, designed for heat transfer installations by fluid circulation.


CAS: 1205-17-0
SPECS: 98%

Helional is derivative of heliotropin. It appears yellow liquid.It is prepared by crossed-aldol condensation between heliotropinand propanal followed by selective hydrogenation of the intermediate alk…


CAS: 120-57-0
SPECS: 99%

Heliotropin is also known as piperonal. It is naturally found in various plants,including dill, vanilla, violet flowers, and black pepper,etc. It appears white crystalline powder with cherry-like odor…

Hexyl cinnamic aldehyde

CAS: 101-86-0
SPECS: 97%

Hexyl cinnamaldehyde is found naturally in the essential oil of chamomile. It is a member of the class of cinnamaldehydes carrying a hexyl substituent.Hexyl cinnamaldehyde industrially produced via a …

Hydroabietyl Alcohol

CAS: 26266-77-3

Hydroabietyl Alcohol is a colorless, tacky, balsamic resin ester.It is a high molecular weight, primary, monohydric alcohol made from Methyl Hydrogenated Rosinate.Its tackiness and extremely pale colo…

Hydrogenated Acrylic Acid Modified Rosin

CAS: 144413-22-9
SPECS: HAR125220

Modified Rosin HAR125220 is colorless and transparent rosin derivative that could only be born with unique technology. It is high acid value and high softening point.HAR125220 can replace the Colorles…