Agriculture & Feed


In 2014, there are more than 430 registered biopesticide active ingredients and 1320 active product registrations by EPA. Monoterpene, a type of terpene, which is original extracted from pines and other plants. The volatiles can fumigate or interfere the behaviors of pests. And the advanced Resistance management defense pests resist pesticides.

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> Terpene based has a high content in plants, and monoterpene is easy extracting, that is benefit for cost control
> Turpentine based and plant extracts often have flowery and woody odor, which the products are easy accepting by human
> Terpene based has strong volatility that's more effective on pests

128 products are found on results.


CAS: 120-57-0
SPECS: 99%

Heliotropin is also known as piperonal. It is naturally found in various plants,including dill, vanilla, violet flowers, and black pepper,etc. It appears white crystalline powder with cherry-like odor…

Hydrogenated Acrylic Acid Modified Rosin

CAS: 144413-22-9
SPECS: HAR125220

Modified Rosin HAR125220 is colorless and transparent rosin derivative that could only be born with unique technology. It is high acid value and high softening point.HAR125220 can replace the Colorles…

Hydrogenated Rosin

CAS: 65997-06-0
SPECS: H106, H108, HWG Grade

Hydrogenated Rosin is one of the dominant varieties of modified rosin with light color, high oxidation resistance and high thermal stability. Conjugated unsaturation of abietic resin acids can be remo…

Iso Cyclemone E

CAS: 54464-57-2
SPECS: 90%

Iso Cyclemone E (Isocyclemone E) is mixture of three isomers, which is a synthetic woody odorant. It is colorless to pale yellow liquid with woody odor.Iso Cyclemone E is prepared by the diene additio…


CAS: 23787-90-8
SPECS: 80%

Isolongifolanone is a mixture of isomer liquid with persistent woody and earthy odors, and it smells like the odor of patchouli and rock orchid. There are two preparation methods. One is to isomerize …


CAS: 1135-66-6
SPECS: 85%

Isolongifolene has woody and amber incense odors, has been widely used as fragrances in cosmetics, perfumers, space sprays, detergents, deodorants, fabrics, fibers, and soap, tobacco, creams, paper pr…


CAS: 23747-14-0
SPECS: 95%

Isolongifolenone, appears white or pale green crystal or powder, has light smell like Camphor with  woody and amber odor.Production of fully oxidized with oxygen in the reactor by Isolongifolene, synt…