Tag Archives: fenchol


Fenchol is a momoterpenoid and the isomer of borneol. It appears colorless or white liquid with camphor and borneol odor. Fenchol is produced from fenchone by catalytic hydrogenation. It is widely used in cosmetics and daily chemical products. It also can be further esterified by different kinds of organic acids to expand its usage in flavors and fragrances formulation.


Fenchol is a momoterpenoid and the isomer of borneol.

It appears colorless or white liquid with camphor and borneol odor.

Fenchol is widely used in cosmetics and daily chemical products. It also can be further esterified by different kinds of organic acids to expand its usage in flavors and fragrances formulation.


Fenchol is an isomer of terpineol, fenchol is widely used in flavors with pine, herbal, lemon or floral note. It also can be esterified by different kinds of organic acids to expand its usage in flavors and fragrances.


Fenchol is a momoterpenoid and the isomer of borneol.

It appears colorless or white liquid with camphor and borneol odor.

Fenchol is widely used in cosmetics and daily chemical products. It also can be further esterified by different kinds of organic acids to expand its usage in flavors and fragrances formulation.


Fenchone is a ketone monoterpenoid. d-Fenchone has been found in fennel oil and in the oil of lavandula stoechas, whereas fenchone has been found in the oil of Arbor vitas. Foreverest Fenchone is synthesized from Fenchol by oxidation. It is a nature identical product. It appears colorless to pale yellow liquid with mint camphor-like odor. Fenchone is mainly used in food flavor and perfumery.