Industry News, Cosmetics & Persnoal Cares

Natural coconut-derived antimicrobial active

Natural coconut-derived antimicrobial active

Natura Aeropack demonstrates how a coconut-derived antimicrobial active shows considerable potential as a versatile and broad-spectrum preservative, catering to the unique demands of both cosmetics and personal care products

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the crucial role of effective hand sanitizing products in maintaining personal hygiene and preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Hand sanitizers containing alcohol have become a staple for individuals and institutions alike, offering a convenient and efficient way to disinfect hands.

However, frequent use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers has raised concerns about their potential to cause skin dryness and compromise the skin barrier which can lead to discomfort and, in some cases, sensitization of the skin, creating a potential imbalance between hygiene and skin health.

Transitioning from personal care to cosmetic preservation, it becomes more and more evident that the formulation of cosmetics and personal care products requires meticulous consideration of microbial contamination prevention.

These products often consist of water and organic components, creating an environment conducive to the growth of various microorganisms. Without adequate preservation, these products can become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria, fungi, and other microbes, posing potential health risks to consumers.

Preservatives play a pivotal role in extending the shelf life of cosmetics and personal care items, ensuring their safety and efficacy over time. By inhibiting the growth of microbes, preservatives maintain the integrity of products, prevent spoilage, and ultimately safeguard consumer health.

However, the escalating demand for natural and eco-friendly alternatives has ignited concerns about the safety and environmental impact of synthetic preservatives, prompting the search for effective natural antimicrobial solutions

Despite the efficiency of synthetic preservatives in curbing microbial growth, they come with inherent challenges. Some chemical preservatives have been associated with skin irritation, allergic reactions, and adverse effects, particularly for those with sensitive skin

Moreover, mounting apprehensions regarding the long-term health implications and environmental consequences of these synthetic chemicals have led to heightened scrutiny and regulatory constraints

Amid these challenges, there has been a paradigm shift when it comes to consumer preferences, favouring natural and environmentally conscious choices across various sectors, including cosmetics and personal care.

Heightened awareness about synthetic chemicals and their potential adverse effects has led to the search for safer and sustainable alternatives. Natural options promise effective preservation without the reliance on harsh chemicals, making them a sought-after choice for individuals prioritizing health and environmental wellbeing

Sustainable coconut-derived active

The surge in consumer demand has called for research and innovation within the domain of natural antimicrobial actives, specifically tailored for cosmetic applications. An embodiment of this trend is found in the exceptional coconut-derived antimicrobial active, recognized as NatPro 8000.

Manufactured by Natura Aeropack Corporation, this remarkable ingredient stands as a testament to sustainable practices. Comprising a proprietary blend of glyceryl caprylate, caprate, and laurate, its origins rooted in sustainable coconut sources, it has unveiled considerable potential as a versatile and broad-spectrum preservative, catering to the unique demands of both cosmetics and personal care products.

Backed by extensive research and clinical testing, the coconut-derived antimicrobial active has demonstrated its efficacy in inhibiting and eliminating a spectrum of harmful microorganisms. This makes it a promising alternative to synthetic preservatives, particularly in light of its clinical validation as a hand disinfectant. Notably, the coconut’s capability to effectively eradicate common hand microbes accentuates its role in enhancing consumer safety and protection.

To sum up, the need for effective hand sanitizing products has been underscored by the recent pandemic, with alcohol-based sanitizers playing a critical role. However, their potential to compromise skin health has generated numerous concerns.

Extending beyond personal care, the preservation of cosmetics and personal care products is predicated on reliable solutions to combat microbial contamination. Synthetic preservatives, while effective, face challenges regarding safety and environmental impact.

Natural alternatives have gained traction, fueled by consumer demand for eco-friendly and skin-friendly options. The coconutderived antimicrobial active exemplifies the advancement in this field, offering a potent and clinically tested solution for cosmetic and personal care preservation.

Antimicrobial activity: Mechanism of action

The natural coconut-derived antimicrobial active works by disrupting the cellular membranes of microorganisms. It targets the lipid bilayer, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity and function of microbial cells. Upon contact, the coconut-derived antimicrobial active penetrates the cell membrane, leading to a leakage of essential cellular components.

This disruption severely compromises the microorganism’s ability to survive and replicate, ultimately leading to its decomposition. The active’s mechanism is effective against a broad spectrum of microbes, including bacteria, fungi, and even some viruses.

Notably, the coconut-derived antimicrobial active not only inhibits the growth of these microorganisms but also eradicates existing populations. When applied to cosmetic and personal care products, it ensures that harmful microbes are neutralized, preventing spoilage and contamination. This eradication mechanism is particularly crucial for products that come into direct contact with the skin or mucous membranes, as it provides an additional layer of safety and protection for consumers.

Another remarkable aspect of the coconut-derived antimicrobial active is its resilience against microbial resistance. Unlike some synthetic preservatives that may lose effectiveness over time due to microbial adaptation and resistance, the coconutderived antimicrobial active’s natural mode of action presents a greater challenge for microbes to develop resistance.

As a result, the active remains potent and reliable, even after extended use in cosmetic formulations. This characteristic sets it apart from certain synthetic alternatives and ensures long-term product stability and efficacy.

In addition to its mode of action, the coconut-derived antimicrobial active showcases an intriguing pH imbalance effect that contributes to its antimicrobial potency. This effect is attributed to the presence of aqualoglyceroproteins within the microbial cell membrane, which play a pivotal role in the recognition of monoglycerides as ‘glycerine’. This recognition, in turn, facilitates the seamless entry of monoglycerides into the microbial cell.

Once inside the cytoplasm, these monoglycerides undergo hydrolysis, transforming into fatty acids. This biochemical reaction has a fascinating consequence: it disrupts the pH equilibrium within the microbial cell, rendering it non-physiological. The shift in pH creates an unfavourable environment for the microorganism, hindering its ability to function optimally and promoting its susceptibility to antimicrobial effects.

Furthermore, the coconut-derived antimicrobial active employs another ingenious mechanism known as aqualoglyceroprotein blockage. In cases involving longer-chain monoglycerides, their interaction with aqualoglyceroproteins within the microbial cell membrane is irreversible. This leads to the depletion of glycerin for the microbial cell. Glycerin is an essential component for cellular processes, and its deprivation severely compromises the microorganism’s viability and functionality.

The combination of these mechanisms showcases the multi-pronged approach of the coconut-derived antimicrobial active. Its ability to disrupt pH equilibrium and interfere with aqualoglyceroproteins reinforces its efficacy in hindering microbial growth. This dual-action mechanism not only highlights the active’s potential as a potent antimicrobial agent but also stresses the intricate strategies nature employs to combat microbial activity.

Clinical study of antimicrobial activity

The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the coconut-derived antimicrobial active was established through the implementation of the dilution antimicrobial susceptibility testing method, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). The obtained results, as displayed in Table 1, shed light on the active’s efficacy against a range of microorganisms.

Table 1 shows that, at a concentration of 0.5%, the coconut-derived antimicrobial active is remarkably effective at inhibiting the growth of various microorganisms. These encompass Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Candida albicans and Bacillus species. Notably, these microorganisms are frequently encountered in cosmetic and personal care products, making them pertinent targets for effective antimicrobial action.

In conclusion, the MIC results obtained through dilution antimicrobial susceptibility testing illustrate that the coconut-derived antimicrobial active at 0.5% concentration is capable of inhibiting several prevalent microorganisms in cosmetic and personal care products. This finding accentuates the active’s potential to serve as a reliable and robust preservation solution, ensuring the safety and quality of a variety of cosmetic applications.

Coconut-derived antimicrobial active bactericidal efficacy

The potency of the coconut-derived antimicrobial active as an antibacterial agent is determined by its ability to effectively eliminate bacteria. Bactericidal agents are those that can eradicate bacteria, and their potency is often evaluated based on the relationship between the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and the MIC.

In the case of the coconut-derived antimicrobial active, if the MBC is no more than four times the MIC or lower than 4%, it is categorized as bactericidal. Calculating the ratio of the minimum bactericidal count to the minimum inhibitory count allows us to assess its bactericidal potential.

For instance, when applied to E.coli, the coconut-derived antimicrobial active demonstrated an inhibitory concentration of 1.25%. This value signifies that the MBC is notably lower than four times the MIC or 4%, indicating a bactericidal effect against E.coli. The calculated ratio emphasizes the active’s capability to efficiently eradicate E.coli bacteria at a concentration that ensures their elimination rather than mere inhibition.

This finding reinforces the coconut-derived antimicrobial active’s potential as a powerful bactericidal agent. Its ability to effectively eliminate bacteria, especially at concentrations within the calculated range, highlights its suitability for various applications where strong antimicrobial properties are required

In conclusion, the coconut-derived antimicrobial active exhibits promising potency as a bactericidal agent based on its MBC-to-MIC ratio. Its ability to achieve a ratio lower than 4%, as seen in its action against E.coli, emphasizes its effectiveness in eliminating bacteria, further supporting its potential applications in diverse settings that demand robust antimicrobial capabilities.

Dermatological hypoallergenicity study for skin friendliness

A rigorous dermatological hypoallergenicity study was conducted on the coconut-derived antimicrobial active, under the supervision of a dermatologist. The objective of this study was to thoroughly assess the product’s potential to trigger adverse skin reactions when used by consumers and its likelihood of causing sensitization through repeated topical application.

The clinical evaluation compared the test product with a positive control to ascertain its skin-friendliness under conditions reflecting real-world consumer use. The assessment yielded significant results, revealing that the coconut-derived antimicrobial active demonstrated a notably low level of irritation potential. Moreover, the active was granted the designation of ‘dermatologically tested as safe for everyday use”, further substantiating its gentle nature on the skin

During the study, the test product successfully navigated through the induction phase (21-day repeated insult patch test) as well as the sensitization phase, which was subsequently followed by three challenge tests. This comprehensive examination culminated in the conclusion that the coconut-derived antimicrobial active can be confidently categorized as ‘hypoallergenic’. This classification stems from its demonstrated ability to exhibit a low probability of causing allergic reactions, even among individuals with sensitive skin.

These findings highlight the product’s exceptional profile in terms of dermatological safety and hypoallergenicity. The coconutderived antimicrobial active’s capability to undergo the series of rigorous tests without inducing adverse skin reactions or sensitization further solidifies its suitability for diverse skin types. This outcome is significant not only for its application in cosmetic and personal care products but also for instilling consumer confidence in its safety and compatibility with sensitive skin

In summary, the dermatological hypoallergenicity study establishes the coconut-derived antimicrobial active’s credentials as a skin-friendly ingredient. Its performance in the assessment, including the low irritation potential, ‘dermatologically tested as safe for everyday use’ designation, and hypoallergenic classification, collectively highlight its gentle yet effective nature, positioning it as a reliable choice for formulations targeting consumers with sensitive skin concerns.

Enhancing the skin’s barrier and moisture

Figure 1 illustrates the transepidermal water loss (TEWL) data resulting from hourly hand washing using soap samples, both with and without the inclusion of a coconut-derived antimicrobial active. The data is presented as a percentage change, wherein lower TEWL values indicate improved skin moisture retention and a stronger skin barrier function.

Notably, when the soap contained 0.5% of the coconut-derived antimicrobial active, a significant reduction in TEWL was observed following the fifth instance of hand washing. This remarkable decline in TEWL signifies that the coconut-derived antimicrobial active plays a pivotal role in enhancing the skin’s natural barrier function. By fortifying the skin barrier, this active ingredient aids in preventing excessive water loss, thereby improving overall skin moisture levels

The substantial drop in TEWL observed with the inclusion of the coconut-derived antimicrobial active suggests its potential to bolster the skin’s resilience to moisture loss. This finding punctuates its beneficial impact on skin health, particularly in maintaining optimal hydration levels and reinforcing the skin’s ability to retain moisture

To conclude, the data strongly indicates that the incorporation of the coconut-derived antimicrobial active into the soap formulation leads to a pronounced reduction in TEWL after repeated hand washing. This outcome supports the active’s ability to enhance the skin barrier, ultimately contributing to improved skin moisture retention. The findings hold promising implications for the formulation of skincare products aimed at preserving skin health and promoting enhanced hydration.

Coconut-derived antimicrobial active for alcohol-free sanitizer

The effectiveness of the coconut-derived antimicrobial active in alcohol-free hand sanitizers was investigated through a comprehensive study. The research aimed to assess its antimicrobial capabilities by examining its impact on various bacteria commonly present on hands.

The experimental process involved baseline swabbing of participants’ hands, followed by inoculating the swab samples onto blood agar plates and MacConkey agar plates for differentiation of gram-negative organisms.

Subjects were then asked to use a 1% solution of the coconut-derived antimicrobial active to sanitize their hands. Subsequent swab samples were taken and plated at different time intervals: immediately after sanitation, 15 minutes, one hour, two hours and four hours later. Replicates were plated and incubated for 24 hours to evaluate the active’s antimicrobial properties.

The results yielded significant insights. The coconut-derived antimicrobial active exhibited the capacity to eliminate bacterial loads on the hands. Notably, the 1% solution demonstrated a remarkable 100% bacterial kill rate.

Notably, instances of Klebsiella pneumoniae and E. coli – known pathogens responsible for respiratory infections and diarrhea, respectively – were detected in some subjects. However, the coconut-derived antimicrobial active promptly eradicated these harmful microorganisms, offering immediate protection.

The study concluded that even at a low concentration of 1%, the coconut-derived antimicrobial active displayed excellent sanitizing capabilities. This was evidenced by its consistent 100% bacterial kill rate across various time intervals up to 4 hours posttreatment, compared to baseline cultures. These findings highlight the active’s potent efficacy as a highly effective hand sanitizer, showcasing its ability to counteract bacterial contamination and contribute to improved hand hygiene.

Lastly, the research highlights the coconut-derived antimicrobial active’s remarkable potential as an exceptional antibacterial agent in alcohol-free hand sanitizers. Its ability to achieve a 100% bacterial kill rate and swiftly eliminate harmful pathogens reinforces its efficacy as a robust and reliable solution for maintaining hand hygiene and safeguarding against microbial threats.


In this day and age of hygiene and sustainability, NatPro 8000 demonstrates nature’s potential in addressing these challenges.

With a commitment to safety, efficacy, and environmental responsibility, this coconutderived antimicrobial active paves the way for a new preservation era. It upholds consumer wellbeing and product integrity while resonating with evolving demands.

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