Company News

Change of Email Domain Suffix

Change of Email Domain Suffix
Dear valued customers, We want to let you know about a change to our email domain suffix. Effective January 1, 2024, we have been changing our email addresses from the current domai...
Is the Way Soybean Farmers Manage Disease Shifting?

Is the Way Soybean Farmers Manage Disease Shifti...

Over the last 10 years, more farmers and retailers have started to also take a look at how fungicide use can not only co...

The Surfactant Market

The Surfactant Market

New products that address sustainability and regulatory issues drive demand in personal care and home care.

Automotive Coatings Market in China

Automotive Coatings Market in China

It has been 13 years since China ascended to the pole position of the global automotive industry.

Introduction of Fenchol and Fenchyl acetate

Introduction of Fenchol and Fenchyl acetate

This article introduces fenchol and fenchyl acetate, the pinene based derivatives. The application of the substances in ...