Industry News, Agriculture & Feed, Biopesticides
Market Trend of Biopesticides, the Green Organic Power in Agriculture

Industry News, Agriculture & Feed, Biopesticides
Biopesticides are certain types of pesticides derived from such natural materials as animals, plants, bacteria, and certain minerals.1 Compared with synthetic pesticides, Biopesticides have the eco benefits of biodegradable and no harmful residues. More controllable management on IPM (Integrated Pest Management) and Resistance.
Many companies have invested in R&D to develop biopesticide technologies. As the market reported, the market value has estimated to $1.44 billion in 2014, a CAGR of 13.4% (See Chart 1). Be expected to total $3.1 billion in 2019.2
Chart 1. Market value of biopesticides 2014~2019, by USD million,*NOTE. Due to the data from differents of market reports, this chart is used for referenced only. © Foreverest
Biopesticides are most used on specialty crops and field crops, such as corn and soybeans. A BCC Research Corporation study released that the orchard crops hold the largest share of biopesticide use at 55% in 2006.3 Today, Mexico, United States and Canada are the largest demand market for biopesticides, share 44% of markets. EU share 20%, Asia-Pacific share 24%, Latins share 9% and Africa share 3%.(See Figure 1)
Figure 1. Global market share of biopesticides 2006, © Foreverest
May.27th 2015, China government publish the White Paper of Agriculture 2020. The officer said that “Our target is decline the using growth of synthetic pesticides to 0% in 2020.” According as the data by ICAMA, there are more than 260 companies have registered to produce biopesticides in China. The production can be estimated to 130k tons per year, market value in RMB ¥3 billion yuan (USD $483 million). Until 2014, more than 4,300 kinds of biopesticides have registered.
Figure 2. Registered number of pesticide products in China 2014, © Foreverest
1. What are Biopesticides, US EPA
2.1 Global Market For Pesticides To Reach $65.3 Billion In 2017, BCC research
2.2 Global Bacterial Biopesticides Market Report 2014-2019, Research and Markets
2.3 Biopesticides Market Global trends & forecasts to 2019, Markets and Markets
3. Market Overview, BPIA