Industry News, Legislation
CEN/TC 411 – Bio-based products

Industry News, Legislation
i. Development of standards for bio-based products covering horizontal aspects. This includes consistent terminology, sampling, certification tools, bio-based content, application of and correlation towards life cycle analysis, sustainability criteria for biomass used and for final products, and aspects where further harmonization is needed on horizontal level; ii. Development of standards for bio-solvents, covering product functionality, biodegradability and, if necessary, product specific aspects not covered under i.
CEN/TC 411/WG 1, Terminology
CEN/TC 411/WG 2, Bio-solvents
CEN/TC 411/WG 3, Bio-based content
CEN/TC 411/WG 4, Sustainability criteria, life cycle analysis and related issues
CEN/TC 411/WG 5, Certification and declaration tools