Chemicals A-Z
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Pines based chemicals have strong woody character that be usually applied in the formulation of household cleaners and industrial cleaners. Pine woody odor not only provide green & safety sense to consumers, also effective against propagules germs.
According research result※, some pine based substance like alpha-Terpineol has strong effective against 99.996% Staphylococcus aureus, 99.998% Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 100% Escherichia coli and 100% Candida albicans. Today, consumer trends prefer to choose the natural disinfectant ingredient, some like pure pine oil, a non-toxic and eco choice now.
Foreverest® Aromatic Selected designed around a collection of pines extractives and synthetic, provides high quality and purity ingredients for household/industrial products manufacturers.
Pine Oil for Ingredient of Household Cleaning
精制山茶籽油(又名精制白茶油)系由天然山茶油在特定储存环境下转化而成。其天然油经陈年由金黄色转变为淡黄色,后至无色无味的结晶状,最终呈透明纯正的色泽。此种陈年办法不通过人工提炼与快速提纯,故而亦被称为陈年白茶油。陈年白茶油经纯萃取油,饱含86%的油酸,完美亲近人体肌肤。!注:从植物学角度,山茶树 (Camellia oleifera)和茶树(Camellia Sinensis)同属山茶科山茶属。山… Foreverest™ 合成紫苏醛由β-蒎烯进行环氧化生成环氧蒎烷,再经氢化、异构化转变为水芹醇,在脱氢后制得紫苏醇,最终经氧化制备得来。合成紫苏醛性状与天然紫苏醛一致,呈无色或淡黄色液体。具有紫苏油、肉桂醛和茴香醛的气味,并伴有枯茗似香气。可用作茉莉香型、水仙香型日化用品、香水等配方加香使用。亦可用作食品调香。 罗勒烯系顺反异构体混合物,主分包含α-罗勒烯、cis-β 罗勒烯和 trans-β 罗勒烯。天然存在于罗勒油、薰衣草油和香紫苏油中。亦可通过α-蒎烯裂解制得。外观呈无色透明液体,伴有花香、青香香气,伴有橙花油气息。不溶于水,可溶于有机溶剂。 Cinnamyl Alcohol is naturally occurring in cinnamon bark, it can also be synthetically manufactured. Benzaldehyde presents naturally in bitter almond oil, patchouli oil, and hyacinth oil. Natural Anethole is mainly used as flavor in food, pharmaceutical, fragrance and industrial uses. 茴香醇天然存在于香草油和茴香油中。外观无色至淡黄色液体,易结晶。 伴有花香和八角和山楂的气味。茴香醇由对甲氧基苯甲醛加氢反应制得。可广泛用于日化产品的香精香料配方。 茶多酚为一种稠环芳香烃,是茶叶中多酚类物质的总称。其中黄烷醇类物质(儿茶素)含量约占茶多酚总量的70%左右。是形成茶叶色香味的主要成份之一,也是茶叶中有保健功能的主要成份之一。具有阻止放射性物质侵入骨髓,并可使锶-90和钴-60迅速排出体外功效。
CAS: 225233-97-6
SPECS: Refined
CAS: 2111-75-3
SPECS: 95%
CAS: 29714-87-2
SPECS: 72%
肉桂醇(CAS 104-54-1)
CAS: 104-54-1
SPECS: 99%
苯甲醛(CAS 100-52-7)
CAS: 100-52-7
SPECS: 99%
茴香脑(CAS 4180-23-8)
CAS: 4180-23-8
SPECS: 99%
茴香醇(CAS 105-13-5)
CAS: 105-13-5
SPECS: 99%
CAS: 27073-41-2