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Methyl Cedryl Ketone (Acetyl Cedrene) is prepared by the ethyl esterification of alpha-cedrene.

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Methyl Cedryl Ether is a very nice ambery cedarwood substitute, very widely used and particularly effective combined with the related Vertofix.

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甲基环戊烯(MCP)具有强烈的焦糖香气,可用于风味和甜味的增强。MCP可以提高人的味觉和嗅觉细胞对香气的敏感性,这就是所谓的美拉德效应。 因此,不仅MCP本身具有令人愉悦的甜味,而且对食品和烟草制品具有良好的增香效果。

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Methylionone is yellow transparent liquid with woody and floral odor, It is mainly used in the flavor formulation of food and beverage.

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甲酸香叶酯是种无色至淡黄色液体,具有新鲜叶子和玫瑰的香气和苦味。 酯化法在生产中应用广泛。 以甲酸和香叶醇为原 […]

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Citronellyl Formate is a light yellow transparent liquid with sweet rose, myrcia aroma and slightly with lemon, cucumber and other fresh green fragrance.

石竹烯氧化物(CAS 1139-30-6)
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石竹烯氧化物是大麻中的萜烯主分之一,同样天然存在于丁香叶、罗勒叶、啤酒花、胡椒和迷迭香中,是种常见的萜烯主分。它是种含氧萜类化合物,通常是石竹烯的代谢副产物。其经济价值用作抗真菌剂对某些菌体非常有效。 此外,石竹烯氧化物也被认为是血小板的有效抗凝剂。