Chemicals A-Z
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Beauty & Cosmetics
Nutricosmetics, the new trend of green cosmtics
Nowadays, "sustainability" and "natural/organic" have become the primary keywords in the beauty and skincare sector. This has led to the emergence of Nutricosmetics as a new trend in the industry. These "beauty supplements" are applied in food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products.
These new trends are also driving formulators to change their approach, with a growing focus on Natural-Like solutions such as fruit oils, seeds, peels, and more, being promoted for use in green cosmetic formulations.
The concept of "Upcycling" is also gaining traction, with more by-products and waste from food and beverage industries being recycled and transformed into reusable natural or organic materials.

二氢松香醇醋酸酯(CAS 58985-18-5)
CAS: 58985-18-5
SPECS: 97%

二氢香芹酮(CAS 5524-05-0)
CAS: 5524-05-0
SPECS: 97%

二氢香芹醇(CAS 619-01-2)
CAS: 619-01-2/38049-26-2
SPECS: 98%
二氢香芹酚天然存在于葛缕子油和薄荷油中, 为单萜类化合物,呈无色液体,伴有茴香和绿色气味。二氢香芹酚是由香芹酮选择性催化加氢制备的。它用于香料和香精配方。

侧柏烯(CAS 84625-32-1)
CAS: 84625-32-1
SPECS: 80%
侧柏烯(Thujene)是一种从桉树中提取的天然香料。 其颜色呈透明、略带黄色。“thujene”一词通常是指 α-thujene。 一种不太常见的化学相关双键异构体称为 β-thujene(或 2-thujene)。另一种双键异构体称为 sabinene。 侧柏烯有时也被称为 3-Thujene 和 Thujiene。α-侧柏烯因其辛辣、辛辣的味道和草本、木质的气味而经常用于化妆品和香水行业。

八角茴香油(CAS 84650-59-9)
CAS: 84650-59-9
SPECS: 85%
Star anise oil is extracted from natural anise fruits and leaves.It appears clear liquid with no color or light yellow color.Star anise oil is widely used in food flavoring and perfumery.

CAS: 87061-04-9
凉味剂WS-10 提供持久的清凉效果(清凉度 4.5),没有薄荷醇(清凉度 1)的薄荷气味或味道。与薄荷醇相比,它可以以较低的浓度使用,同时达到类似的清凉效果。

CAS: 68489-09-8
WS-12是一种合成化合物,为各种产品带来清凉感。它提供强劲且持久的清凉效果,强度为 3.5。这种效果可持续长达 36 分钟,为清爽的清凉体验提供充足的时间。