Chemicals A-Z
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Beauty & Cosmetics
Nutricosmetics, the new trend of green cosmtics
Nowadays, "sustainability" and "natural/organic" have become the primary keywords in the beauty and skincare sector. This has led to the emergence of Nutricosmetics as a new trend in the industry. These "beauty supplements" are applied in food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products.
These new trends are also driving formulators to change their approach, with a growing focus on Natural-Like solutions such as fruit oils, seeds, peels, and more, being promoted for use in green cosmetic formulations.
The concept of "Upcycling" is also gaining traction, with more by-products and waste from food and beverage industries being recycled and transformed into reusable natural or organic materials.

CAS: 51115-67-4
SPECS: 51115-67-4-99
WS-23 以其清洁和持久的清凉效果而闻名(清凉强度0.75)。与薄荷醇不同,它提供清凉感,但没有伴随的薄荷味或气味,使其适用于各种应用。

CAS: 39711-79-0
清凉剂 WS-3(又名 Koolada 3)是一种合成化合物,用于为各种消费品提供清凉感。其清凉效果为 1.5 倍(薄荷醇的清凉强度为1),持续时间长达 6 分钟。 它因其温和、舒适和持久的清凉特性而受到重视,使其成为许多消费品中的多功能成分。

双戊烯(CAS 138-86-3)
CAS: 138-86-3
SPECS: 138-86-3CP40
Foreverest™ DIPENTENE ex CP 是松节油的副产品,它是一种带有柠檬味的淡黄色液体。双戊烯主要由萜烯烃组成,主要成分为α-松油烯、γ-松油烯、柠檬烯、对伞花烃等。双戊烯常用于木质香的调配。

CAS: 138-86-3
SPECS: 138-86-3DHM
Dipentene DHM is the by-product of the production of gum turpentine derivatives.Synthetic dipentene is the by-product of the production of dihydromyrcene. It appears colorless liquid with lemon odor. …

CAS: 138-86-3
SPECS: 138-86-3S

CAS: 138-86-3
SPECS: 96%

CAS: 138-86-3
SPECS: 138-86-3N

右旋芳樟醇(CAS 126-91-0)
CAS: 126-91-0
SPECS: 98%
Linalool can be extracted from essential oils. And it can also be prepared by the hydrogenation of a-pinene.