Chemicals A-Z
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Beauty & Cosmetics
Nutricosmetics, the new trend of green cosmtics
Nowadays, "sustainability" and "natural/organic" have become the primary keywords in the beauty and skincare sector. This has led to the emergence of Nutricosmetics as a new trend in the industry. These "beauty supplements" are applied in food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products.
These new trends are also driving formulators to change their approach, with a growing focus on Natural-Like solutions such as fruit oils, seeds, peels, and more, being promoted for use in green cosmetic formulations.
The concept of "Upcycling" is also gaining traction, with more by-products and waste from food and beverage industries being recycled and transformed into reusable natural or organic materials.

α-紫罗兰酮(CAS 127-41-3)
CAS: 127-41-3
SPECS: 70%
紫罗兰酮是一系列密切相关的化学物质。 它们是玫瑰酮的一部分,玫瑰酮还包括大马士革酮和大马士酮。 紫罗兰酮是天然存在于精油(包括玫瑰油)中的芳香化合物。α-紫罗兰酮由假紫罗兰酮环化制备。 广泛用于日化产品的香精。紫罗兰酮与从鸢尾根获得的油中存在的铁素 C14H22O 有关。

CAS: 80-56-8
SPECS: 95%

α-鸢尾酮(CAS 79-69-6)
CAS: 79-69-6
SPECS: 98%
Irone Alpha is extremely diffusive and gives volume and tenacity to compositions.

β-环氧蒎烷 (CAS 6931-54-0)
CAS: 6931-54-0
SPECS: 85%

β-石竹烯(CAS 87-44-5)
CAS: 87-44-5
SPECS: 85%
Beta-caryophyllene can be manufactured from turpentine by-products industrially.

β-石竹烯(CAS 87-44-5)
CAS: 87-44-5
SPECS: 90%
β-石竹烯也称为β-丁香油烃。 它是一种天然双环倍半萜,呈无色至淡黄色油状液体。β-石竹烯是天然的,由丁香叶油蒸馏而成。 广泛用于日化用品的香精香料配方。

β-石竹烯醇(CAS 472-97-9)
CAS: 472-97-7
SPECS: 92%
β-石竹烯醇是一种主要的三环倍半萜醇,可广泛用于香料和医药制备领域。 目前,β-石竹烯醇可通过β-石竹烯进行水合反应制备。自然界中,马尾松的倍半萜类组分中含有长叶烯、β-石竹烯、长叶环烯和蒎烯,β-石竹烯的含量为13~17%。β-石竹烯醇可从丁子香油(Cloreoll)、苦配巴油(Copalhaoil)、熏衣草油(Larcnderoll)及中国菊科植物的艾叶油、牡荆油中蒸馏得到(CN1095704…