Chemicals A-Z
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Beauty & Cosmetics
Nutricosmetics, the new trend of green cosmtics
Nowadays, "sustainability" and "natural/organic" have become the primary keywords in the beauty and skincare sector. This has led to the emergence of Nutricosmetics as a new trend in the industry. These "beauty supplements" are applied in food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products.
These new trends are also driving formulators to change their approach, with a growing focus on Natural-Like solutions such as fruit oils, seeds, peels, and more, being promoted for use in green cosmetic formulations.
The concept of "Upcycling" is also gaining traction, with more by-products and waste from food and beverage industries being recycled and transformed into reusable natural or organic materials.

松油醇(CAS 8000-41-7)
CAS: 8000-41-7
SPECS: 96%
松油醇是种单萜醇化合物,来源于α-蒎烯或松节油的水合反应。 其存在三种异构体:α-、β-和γ-松油醇。松油醇通常是这些异构体的混合物,主要成分为α-松油醇。在医用消毒领域,α-松油醇可用于消毒剂、杀菌产品等医用制剂中的杀菌成分。 对金黄色葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞菌、大肠杆菌和白色念珠菌有显着作用。 据研究1,萜品醇MU在人体皮肤上停留2分钟,对皮肤表面天然细菌的平均杀灭率可达98.46%。Experi…

CAS: 8000-41-7
SPECS: Perfumery

CAS: 8006-64-2
SPECS: 85%

CAS: 8050-25-7
SPECS: T7015
松香三甘醇酯是一种苍白、稳定性好的粘稠液体,具有增粘和塑化的特点。可广泛应用于脱毛蜡等个人护理产品成分中。本产品可替代 Eastman® 产品。