Chemicals A-Z
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天然薄荷酮(CAS 89-80-5)
CAS: 89-80-5
SPECS: 98%
Menthone is used in flavoring, perfume and cosmetics for its characteristic odor.
左旋香芹酮(CAS 6485-40-1)
CAS: 6485-40-1
SPECS: 99%
Carvone mainly used for the preparation of peppermint flavor of food and fragrance formulation of daily chemicals.
异甲基紫罗兰酮(CAS 127-51-5)
CAS: 127-51-5
SPECS: 95%
Isomethy ionone is cycled under strong base and high temperature after methyl pseudoviolone is synthesized by condensation of limonal and butanone.
CAS: 23747-14-0
SPECS: 98%
CAS: 23787-90-8
SPECS: 80%
甲基庚烯酮(CAS 110-93-0)
CAS: 110-93-0
SPECS: 97%
Methyl Heptenone is a colorless to pale yellow, clear liquid with a medium, citrus, fruity odor.
甲基柏木酮(CAS 32388-55-9)
CAS: 32388-55-9
SPECS: 80%
Methyl Cedryl Ketone (Acetyl Cedrene) is prepared by the ethyl esterification of alpha-cedrene.
甲基环戊烯醇酮(CAS 765-70-8)
CAS: 80-71-7/765-70-8
SPECS: 99%
甲基环戊烯(MCP)具有强烈的焦糖香气,可用于风味和甜味的增强。MCP可以提高人的味觉和嗅觉细胞对香气的敏感性,这就是所谓的美拉德效应。 因此,不仅MCP本身具有令人愉悦的甜味,而且对食品和烟草制品具有良好的增香效果。
甲基紫罗兰酮(CAS 1335-46-2)
CAS: 1335-46-2
SPECS: 95%
Methylionone is yellow transparent liquid with woody and floral odor, It is mainly used in the flavor formulation of food and beverage.