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Beauty & Cosmetics
Nutricosmetics, the new trend of green cosmtics
Nowadays, "sustainability" and "natural/organic" have become the primary keywords in the beauty and skincare sector. This has led to the emergence of Nutricosmetics as a new trend in the industry. These "beauty supplements" are applied in food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products.
These new trends are also driving formulators to change their approach, with a growing focus on Natural-Like solutions such as fruit oils, seeds, peels, and more, being promoted for use in green cosmetic formulations.
The concept of "Upcycling" is also gaining traction, with more by-products and waste from food and beverage industries being recycled and transformed into reusable natural or organic materials.

CAS: 533-87-9/6949-98-0
SPECS: 95%

紫苏醇(CAS 536-59-4)
CAS: 536-59-4
SPECS: 98%

CAS: 2111-75-3
SPECS: 95%
Foreverest™ 合成紫苏醛由β-蒎烯进行环氧化生成环氧蒎烷,再经氢化、异构化转变为水芹醇,在脱氢后制得紫苏醇,最终经氧化制备得来。合成紫苏醛性状与天然紫苏醛一致,呈无色或淡黄色液体。具有紫苏油、肉桂醛和茴香醛的气味,并伴有枯茗似香气。可用作茉莉香型、水仙香型日化用品、香水等配方加香使用。亦可用作食品调香。

CAS: 29714-87-2
SPECS: 72%
罗勒烯系顺反异构体混合物,主分包含α-罗勒烯、cis-β 罗勒烯和 trans-β 罗勒烯。天然存在于罗勒油、薰衣草油和香紫苏油中。亦可通过α-蒎烯裂解制得。外观呈无色透明液体,伴有花香、青香香气,伴有橙花油气息。不溶于水,可溶于有机溶剂。

CAS: 34540-22-2
SPECS: 95%
羟基积雪草苷也被归类为三萜类化合物,可刺激 III 型胶原蛋白的产生。在研究中,羟基积雪草苷已显示出皮肤愈合和皮肤抗衰老特性。 人们认为它以多种方式起作用羟基积雪草苷对治疗银屑病具有一定的抗炎特性。

羟基香茅醛(CAS 107-75-5)
CAS: 107-75-5
SPECS: 99%
羟基香茅醛有丁香、百合、铃兰的气味。 它是一种香水成分,具有中等强度的花香,让人联想到百合和热带甜瓜。 羟基香 […]