Chemicals A-Z
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CAS: 225233-97-6
SPECS: Refined
精制山茶籽油(又名精制白茶油)系由天然山茶油在特定储存环境下转化而成。其天然油经陈年由金黄色转变为淡黄色,后至无色无味的结晶状,最终呈透明纯正的色泽。此种陈年办法不通过人工提炼与快速提纯,故而亦被称为陈年白茶油。陈年白茶油经纯萃取油,饱含86%的油酸,完美亲近人体肌肤。!注:从植物学角度,山茶树 (Camellia oleifera)和茶树(Camellia Sinensis)同属山茶科山茶属。山…
CAS: 533-87-9/6949-98-0
SPECS: 95%
CAS: 34540-22-2
SPECS: 95%
羟基积雪草苷也被归类为三萜类化合物,可刺激 III 型胶原蛋白的产生。在研究中,羟基积雪草苷已显示出皮肤愈合和皮肤抗衰老特性。 人们认为它以多种方式起作用羟基积雪草苷对治疗银屑病具有一定的抗炎特性。
肉桂醇(CAS 104-54-1)
CAS: 104-54-1
SPECS: 99%
Cinnamyl Alcohol is naturally occurring in cinnamon bark, it can also be synthetically manufactured.
CAS: 78-70-6
SPECS: 99%
Linalool is a terpene alcohol substance, has D-linalool isomer and L-linalool isomer, appears transparent liquid with flora and citrus odors. It is an important fragrance material and intermediate of Vitamin E synthetic. FOREVEREST® selects natural linalool from Chiese camphorwood and supply for flavor & fragrance industry.
芳樟醇乙酸酯(CAS 115-95-7)
CAS: 115-95-7
SPECS: 97%
苯乙醇(CAS 60-12-8)
CAS: 60-12-8
SPECS: 98%
2-Phenylethanol is an antimicrobial, antiseptic, and disinfectant that is used also as an aromatic essence and preservative in pharmaceutics and perfumery.
茴香脑(CAS 4180-23-8)
CAS: 4180-23-8
SPECS: 99%
Natural Anethole is mainly used as flavor in food, pharmaceutical, fragrance and industrial uses.