Chemicals A-Z
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CAS: 26266-77-3

紫苏醇(CAS 536-59-4)
CAS: 536-59-4
SPECS: 98%

肉桂醇(CAS 104-54-1)
CAS: 104-54-1
SPECS: 99%
Cinnamyl Alcohol is naturally occurring in cinnamon bark, it can also be synthetically manufactured.

CAS: 78-70-6
SPECS: 99%
Linalool is a terpene alcohol substance, has D-linalool isomer and L-linalool isomer, appears transparent liquid with flora and citrus odors. It is an important fragrance material and intermediate of Vitamin E synthetic. FOREVEREST® selects natural linalool from Chiese camphorwood and supply for flavor & fragrance industry.

苯乙醇(CAS 60-12-8)
CAS: 60-12-8
SPECS: 98%
2-Phenylethanol is an antimicrobial, antiseptic, and disinfectant that is used also as an aromatic essence and preservative in pharmaceutics and perfumery.

茴香脑(CAS 4180-23-8)
CAS: 4180-23-8
SPECS: 99%
Natural Anethole is mainly used as flavor in food, pharmaceutical, fragrance and industrial uses.

茴香醇(CAS 105-13-5)
CAS: 105-13-5
SPECS: 99%
茴香醇天然存在于香草油和茴香油中。外观无色至淡黄色液体,易结晶。 伴有花香和八角和山楂的气味。茴香醇由对甲氧基苯甲醛加氢反应制得。可广泛用于日化产品的香精香料配方。