Fig. 4 Effect of TTO (0.015 %), terpinen-4-ol (0.0595 %) and alphaterpineol (0.0064 %) on the activation of NF-jB, p38, ERK MAPK and GAPDH on macrophages.

Fig. 4 Effect of TTO (0.015 %), terpinen-4-ol (0.0595 %) and alphaterpineol (0.0064 %) on the activation of NF-jB, p38, ERK MAPK and GAPDH on macrophages.Cells were pre-treated with the oils at the indicated concentrations for 10 min, when cell lysates were harvested in lysis buffer supplemented with protease and phosphatase inhibitors. Stimulation with E. coli LPS (1 lg/mL) was used as a positive control of cell responsiveness and for comparison purposes. The representative image of three western blot independent experiments shows that the primary polyclonal antibodies detected the phosphorylated forms of p65 (NF-jB, 65 kDa), p42/44 (ERK MAPK, 44 kDa) and p38 (42 kDa)