
The 2P-glycolate cycle includes three different cellular organelles: chloroplasts, peroxisomes and mitochondria. Two molecules of 2P-glycolate formed in chloroplasts during photorespiration are dephosphorylated into two glycolate molecules, which are transferred into peroxisomes and aminated into two glycine molecules metabolized into one serine molecule, NH3 and CO2, the latter returning to the atmosphere. The remaining serine returns to the peroxisomes where it is metabolized to glycerate and finally to PGA in the chloroplast, reintegrating the Benson-Bassham-Calvin cycle. [Source: © Jean-François Morot-Gaudry]
The 2P-glycolate cycle includes three different cellular organelles: chloroplasts, peroxisomes and mitochondria. Two molecules of 2P-glycolate formed in chloroplasts during photorespiration are dephosphorylated into two glycolate molecules, which are transferred into peroxisomes and aminated into two glycine molecules metabolized into one serine molecule, NH3 and CO2, the latter returning to the atmosphere. The remaining serine returns to the peroxisomes where it is metabolized to glycerate and finally to PGA in the chloroplast, reintegrating the Benson-Bassham-Calvin cycle. [Source: © Jean-François Morot-Gaudry]