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Personal Care
Rosinates in cosmetics & personal care industry
Foreverest™ Rosinates for cosmetics and personal care are derived from Gum Rosin, a natural and renewable resource from Chinese forests. The product Hydrogenated Rosinate have excellent oxidative stability. It offers a wide range of solubility and works well with other cosmetic ingredients. The Liquid Hydrogenated Methyl Abietate can act as a plasticizer when used together with solid rosinates. Please click on the "Ingredients Selector" to access support and information about Foreverest™ C&P Rosinates on
- Most of natural wax, beeswax, and hydrocarbon wax (paraffin) are compatible with Foreverest Personal Care Series.
- Consumer safety is the overriding objective for the manufactures and sale of cosmetics in most countries. Foreverest Personal Care Series supply ingredients for cosmetic manufacturers, and our formulation experts can assist our cosmetic customers with safety assessments for our products used as cosmetic ingredients. Glyceryl Hydrogenated Rosinate were safety for using as cosmetic ingredients.
- Foreverest cosmetic resinates are soluble in a variety of solvents, such as Mineral oil, Isododecane, Vegetable oil, Ethylhexyl palmitate, Ethoxydiglycol, Ethanol. Each resin was combined with the solvent (1:9 parts-by-weight resin to solvent) and gently agitated for a week at room temperature. Resinates are dispersed more quick and completely at higher temperatures.
Featured Rosinates
Hydrogenated Methyl Abietate, a kind of nature cosmetic-grade resin, is the Methyl Ester of Hydrogenated Rosin. This liquid resin is given a special steam sparging treatment to assure minimum odor. With its low odor and low vapor pressure, it is particularly useful as a fragrance fixative. It has excellent solubility and compatibility with non-polar and many polar ingredients in cosmetic applications, contributing both adhesion and gloss.
Glyceryl Hydrogenated Rosinate is a cosmetic-grade resin derived from the esterification of a highly stabilized gum rosin and glycerol. This thermoplastic resin has excellent resistance to oxidation and discoloration caused by heat and aging. The rosinate contributes adhesion to various cosmetic and depilatory wax formulations.
Triethylene Glycol Hydrogenated Rosinate is a pale, viscous, balsamic liquid with the resistance to oxidation and discoloration characteristic of the Staybelite series of rosin esters. In general, it finds out the use where is a need for a pale, non-oxidizing, color-stable, highly tacky liquid resin.
Polymer Rosinate is produced via a special process that delivers light initial color and product stability. It is a pale, viscous liquid with tackifying and plasticizing characteristics. The rosinate should be considered for a multitude of applications requiring a cost-effective, color-stable, lower viscosity liquid resin.

左旋香茅醇(CAS 7540-51-4)
CAS: 7540-51-4
SPECS: 99%
L-香茅醇是一种香茅醇,它是 1 位上的羟基和 3 位和 7 位上的甲基(3S-对映异构体)取代的 oct-6 […]

左旋龙脑(CAS 464-45-9)
CAS: 464-45-9
左旋龙脑又称梅片,是香樟新鲜枝叶经水蒸气蒸馏后的结晶。左旋龙脑为白色结晶性粉末或片状结晶。气香,辛辣,凉,有挥发性,火焰黄色时有淡烟味。 溶于乙醇、氯仿或乙醚。几乎不溶于水。左旋龙脑广泛用于制备迷迭香、薰衣草等香精,用于生产肥皂、洗涤剂等家居用品。 此外,它还用于制药领域。 有一些研究侧重于 左旋龙脑在人神经母细胞瘤细胞中的抗凋亡、抗氧化和神经起保护作用。

己基肉桂醛(CAS 101-86-0)
CAS: 101-86-0
SPECS: 97%
己基肉桂醛天然存在于洋甘菊精油中。 它是带有己基取代基的肉桂醛类的成员。工业上通过辛醛和苯甲醛之间的交叉醛醇缩合反应生产己基肉桂醛。

异丁香酚(CAS 97-54-1)
CAS: 97-54-1
SPECS: 99%
异丁香酚是一种淡黄色油状液体,带有香料丁香气味。 存在于依兰油和其他精油中。异丁香酚是一种苯丙烷,是丁香酚和KOH的异构体。 它来源于愈创木酚。

异甲基紫罗兰酮(CAS 127-51-5)
CAS: 127-51-5
SPECS: 95%
Isomethy ionone is cycled under strong base and high temperature after methyl pseudoviolone is synthesized by condensation of limonal and butanone.