Chemicals A-Z
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天然薄荷酮(CAS 89-80-5)
CAS: 89-80-5
SPECS: 98%
Menthone is used in flavoring, perfume and cosmetics for its characteristic odor.
天然香叶醇(CAS 106-24-1)
CAS: 106-24-1
SPECS: 98%
Geraniol is naturally found in more than 200 kinds of essential oils, including geranium oil ,Citronella oil, East-Indian geranium oil and rose oil, etc.
天竺葵油(CAS 8000-45-2)
CAS: 8000-46-2, 90082-51-2
Geranium oil is produced by steam distilling the pelargonium grave-olens plant’s flowers and leaves.
孟二醇(CAS 42822-86-6)
CAS: 42822-86-6
SPECS: 90%
p-Menthane-3,8-diol, also known as para-menthane-3,8-diol, PMD, or menthoglycol. Mainly used as insect repellents, especially natural culicifuge
对丙基茴香醚(CAS 104-45-0)
CAS: 104-45-0
SPECS: 99%
Dihydro-anethole is used in the fragrance formulation of daily chemical products, such as soaps and detergents.
CAS: 225233-97-6
山茶籽油极其适合用作纯天然的化妆品成分,在美日欧常被用作头发护理、身体护理、唇膏、底妆等化妆品配方中。其极高的油酸含量十分亲近人体肌肤。Foreverest™ 化妆品级山茶籽油(苦茶油)天然萃取自福建、广西优质油茶种籽,榨油后经除臭、过滤等工序,脱色精制而得。!注:从植物学角度,山茶树 (Camellia oleifera)和茶树(Camellia Sinensis)同属山茶科山茶属。山茶油属于油…
左旋香芹酮(CAS 6485-40-1)
CAS: 6485-40-1
SPECS: 99%
Carvone mainly used for the preparation of peppermint flavor of food and fragrance formulation of daily chemicals.
左旋香茅醇(CAS 7540-51-4)
CAS: 7540-51-4
SPECS: 99%
L-香茅醇是一种香茅醇,它是 1 位上的羟基和 3 位和 7 位上的甲基(3S-对映异构体)取代的 oct-6 […]
左旋龙脑(CAS 464-45-9)
CAS: 464-45-9
左旋龙脑又称梅片,是香樟新鲜枝叶经水蒸气蒸馏后的结晶。左旋龙脑为白色结晶性粉末或片状结晶。气香,辛辣,凉,有挥发性,火焰黄色时有淡烟味。 溶于乙醇、氯仿或乙醚。几乎不溶于水。左旋龙脑广泛用于制备迷迭香、薰衣草等香精,用于生产肥皂、洗涤剂等家居用品。 此外,它还用于制药领域。 有一些研究侧重于 左旋龙脑在人神经母细胞瘤细胞中的抗凋亡、抗氧化和神经起保护作用。